
Reparieren Sie Ihren x39ish.dll-Fehler

Aus Sicherheitsgründen steht diese Datei nicht zum Download zur Verfügung. Wir bieten lediglich Informationen darüber an, wie das spezifische DLL-Problem gelöst werden kann.

Reparieren Sie Ihren x39ish.dll-Fehler

2013-10-25 Support says:

During the last month we have received an astounding number of requests for this x39ish.dll . As far as I can tell, people want this file for downloading and playing illegally pirated games. Currently, there seems to be a misconception that with this file, one can play GTA V on PC (not even released yet!).

With this in mind, check out this article on how thousands of people have been tricked into happily installing Viruses and spyware:

Surf safe, and do not pirate! DLL-Files Support

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