
Reparieren Sie Ihren thx2cf64.dll-Fehler

Aus Sicherheitsgründen steht diese Datei nicht zum Download zur Verfügung. Wir bieten lediglich Informationen darüber an, wie das spezifische DLL-Problem gelöst werden kann.

Reparieren Sie Ihren thx2cf64.dll-Fehler


DLL-Files Support Says

The file THX2CF64.DLL is related to software "Sound Blaster Cinema".

After a recent update of this software, this file THX2CF64.DLL is no longer in included or used.

If you after an update of this software get an error message like "Can't find THX2Cf64.dll" at Windows startup, the cause is most likely that the start up entry for this file has been accidentally left behind, allthough no longer necessary.

If you do not experience any problems related to your sound even with this error message, you can safely remove this left behind start up entry.

How to remove the Startup entry: Win XP, VISTA, 7: Press "Windows"-key + "R" to bring up the "Run" dialogue. In "Run" dialogue type "msconfig" and hit Enter Under the tab "Startup", uncheck any boxes relating to these files.

Win 8, 10: Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC at the same time to bring up the Task Manager. Under the tab "Start-up", uncheck any boxes relating to these files.

another way to control which programs/services start with Windows, is the free Windows Sysinternals program "AutoRuns", available for download at Microsoft Technet

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